BAIE Minerals
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CO2 Removal

CO2 Sequestration (CCUS) via Carbon Mineralization using Mine Tailings

 The increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, mainly caused by fossil fuel combustion, has lead to concerns about global warming.  Baie Minerals Inc. is developing a technology that can contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide by sequestration CO2 through a process known as mineral carbonation.  The basic concept behind mineral CO2 sequestration is the mimicking of natural weathering processes in which calcium or magnesium containing minerals react with gaseous CO2 and form solid calcium (Ca) or magnesium (Mg) carbonates (CO3):

(Ca, Mg)SiO3 + CO2 = (Ca, Mg)CO3 +SiO

Potential advantages of mineral CO2 sequestration storage include:

1          the permanent and inherently safe sequestration of CO2, due to the thermodynamic stability of the carbonate product formed, and

2      the vast potential sequestration capacity, because of the widespread and abundant occurrence of suitable feedstock.

In addition, carbonation is an exothermic process, which potentially limits the overall energy consumption and costs of CO2 emission reduction. However, weathering processes are slow, with timescales at natural conditions of thousands to millions of years.  For industrial implementation, a reduction of the reaction time to the order of minutes has to be achieved by developing alternative process routes.

CO2 Capture and Sequestration (CCUS) Pilot Plant

What is Carbon Mineralization using Mine Tailings

What is Carbon Capture via Direct Air Capture (DAC)

Who are the DAC Companies and What are the DAC Technologies

How is Carbon Mineralization Accelerated using Mine Tailings